Thursday, February 11, 2016

Learning is.....

Room 13 has been thinking about what learning means and what learning looks like.
We are going to become "explorers" of learning as we "discover" new things!

Here are some of the students' thoughts, these are nearly ready to become part of our "Exploring learning" display :)

Learning is learning to write and draw and learn new numbers and new things - Aireze

Learning is about talking and sharing and listening  – Xavier

Learning is thinking and listening to the teacher – Longo

Learning is thinking about how we sit quietly and focus – Jahzyrus

I like to learn because I like drawing and I use my brain – Riley

I learn when I am being good and listening and being focused – Sione

I like to learn ABC’s, learning is cool because I like writing and painting and learning new things – Ezias

Learning is helping people by sharing what I know and thinking hard – Fheenyx

When I learn I listen and focus. I help other people to learn when I share what I know – Aiga

I learn best when I sit up nicely and I am focused on the teacher – Jesana

I learn when I am being helpful and I learn when I listen to the teacher – Heilini

Learning is being good and using my brains to think of new stuff – Dalton

Learning is being focused and learning new words. When I make a mistake I learn for next time – Analzah

I learn when I write and remember words. I learn when I listen and focus – Denaysha

I like to learn from my friends when they share things with me and help me – Hosea

When I learn I am focused and I learn lots of new things by trying and making mistakes then getting it right the next time – Mary 


  1. Wow!! I love the way room 13 is thinking and talking about learning.

  2. Awesome Room 13! What great learners you are!

  3. Explorers of learning! Sounds like you will have some great adventures this year Room 13!

  4. Hi Room 13

    Your Art was great at the exhibition.

    I hope you have had a great holiday and are looking forward to term 2.
