Monday, November 7, 2016

We learnt lots about wh6y we need to keep our oceans clean and safe for sea creautures and animals at Kelly Tarltons a couple of weeks ago. Miss Baird's phone has broken so only a few photos, thanks Miss Benjamin for sharing these. Room 13 was joined by a small group of students in Room 17.  It was so much fun, and we were all very tired at the end of our day!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Malo e lelei BMPS Family. 

We had some beautiful students dressed in their cultural clothing to celebrate Tongan language week. 

Take a look at the junior school, aren't they fabulous!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

We have been learning about how to keep our waters clean and safe for the animals, and for ourselves!

We had a very special visit from Sally , she works for the Watercare team.  Sally taught us all about where our dirty water from our household goes and the process it goes through to be re-used or disposed of.  We learnt that there are special tanks with Super-Bugs that help to clean dirty water so it is not wasted. 

Looking after our water is so important, we do not want it to be polluted and yucky. We also hope it never runs out!  

We learnt about how most pieces of rubbish dropped go down the drain, which leads out to the ocean, and can kill sea creatures.  This made us sad. 

Here are some photos of our learning and some fun experiments we did with Sally from Watercare. We made rivers and had a race to see who could reach the drain first!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Here are some pics of our favourite  time of the week. BUDDY TIME! We love our senior buddy class and teacher. This week, we spent time in the library together reading to one another and listening to a great story read by Miss Bedford. We can't wait for some more fun with Room 8 next week. It is a very special tuakana and teina time, the seniors interacting and helping their younger peers.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Kia Orana

We had lots of fun for Cook Island Language Week.
We learnt lots of new words and celebrated this beautiful culture. The students in Room 13 thought the best part of the culture was the FOOD!

We made maynaise (pink cook island potato salad) with potatoes, eggs, beetroots, mayonnaise, chow chow pickle, slat and pepper. We LOVED it!

Here are some pics of us peeling the potatoes and cooking all of our ingredients, We took turns and it was tu'i (deeeelicious)!!