Monday, May 30, 2016

Talofa Lava!

Happy Samoan Language Week from Room 13

We will be learning some new greetings and songs, as well as some basic language this week.

Here is a well known favourite that we will be learning through the week.

Tofa soifua
Ia manuia le aso!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Thanks so much to Peau, Sophie and Anda from Sistema who are visiting us, with the rest of the junor school every Friday this term. We love practicing our notes. Our favourite song is "Fish and chips and icecream!" mmm, yum!
Heres some pictures of our learning time with Sistema

Visy Centre

We really enjoyed doing assembly last week, we had prepared a slide show to show you some learning over the past few weeks, but unfortunately we didn't get to play it due to computer problems

Here a few pictures of learners in Room 13 visiting the Visy Centre - We learned all about recycling, and we were really interested in the SIZE of the piles of glass, plastic and paper, after just one morning!! So lets make sure we "put our waste in the right place!"(We also loved the bus trip, as you can see)